

2023-08-27  来自: http://www.honglanpvc.com/ 浏览次数:225

 pp覆塑模板的 铝框的使用



Hi everyone, today I would like to discuss further about the advantages of the Rilico plastic plywood and its integration with the aluminum formwork system (AFS). The AFS biggest advantage is it shortens the time of form work due to its quick mount-dismount method compared to conventional form work systems. Thus greatly increases the efficiency of form work and is being adopted by more and more construction companies today. There are currently two types of AFS, type 1 is all aluminum frame and plates and type 2 is aluminum frame with film face plywood. Type 1 AFS can be used repeatedly several times however it requires precision of the structure beams. Any dis-alignment would cause the system to fail. On the other hand, the alu frame plywood system, although allows some margin for error on the structure beams, it requires a very high quality marine plywood in order to replicate the same amount of usage, or else the constant replacement of the marine plywood would slow down the efficiency of the system and it would be very costly. Hence the Rilico pp plywood would be a perfect fit for the type 2 AFS. With our patented plastic surface, and using high quality hardwood core for strength and phenolic glue to minimize the expansion rate and guarantee water proof, the AFS could be used up to 100 times. Another advantage with using Rilico plastic plywood instead of aluminum plate is that in subzero weather, plywood will hold the temperature a lot better than aluminum plates, which allows the cement to solidify in a more natural state, thus increasing the strength of the concrete. We have collected extensive amount of data from actual sites to prove our advantages. Please let us know if you are interested. Thanks for watching.


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